Salesforce CRM vs. HubSpot CRM

January 01, 2022

Salesforce CRM vs. HubSpot CRM: The Battle of Titans

Managing the supply chain is an intricate task that requires careful monitoring of every process. Thankfully, with the help of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software, businesses can streamline their processes and ensure excellent customer satisfaction.

In this blog post, we will compare two of the most popular CRM software systems: Salesforce CRM and HubSpot CRM. We aim to provide a factual and unbiased comparison between the two software systems for supply chain management purposes.


Salesforce CRM is known for its robust and customizable features that can cater to a specific industry's needs. Its features include lead and opportunity management, customer segmentation, marketing automation, and customer service management. Salesforce also offers a cloud-based platform that allows users to access their data from anywhere with an internet connection.

HubSpot CRM, on the other hand, offers an intuitive interface for easy navigation. Its features include pipeline management, marketing automation, email tracking, and customer segmentation. HubSpot also offers a free version of its software that includes all core features.

When it comes to features, Salesforce CRM has more to offer. However, the user interface of HubSpot CRM is simpler and more user-friendly.


Salesforce CRM comes with a higher price point, which starts at $25 per user per month. However, the price can increase depending on the number of users and additional features used.

HubSpot CRM, on the other hand, offers a free version that includes all core features. Its paid version starts at $50 per month and includes additional functionality such as lead scoring, custom reporting, and predictive lead scoring.

If you're only looking for core features, HubSpot CRM provides a cost-effective solution. However, if you're looking for advanced features and a customizable platform, Salesforce CRM is your best bet.

Integrations and Add-Ons

Salesforce CRM has a wide range of third-party integrations, including accounting software, email marketing apps, and social media platforms. It also offers its own app store that allows users to download apps built by Salesforce or third-party developers.

HubSpot CRM, on the other hand, has a smaller selection of integrations. However, it integrates with popular apps such as Zapier, Google Analytics, and Mailchimp. Hubspot also offers a marketplace that provides add-ons to customize the software.

Salesforce CRM has a more extensive selection of integrations and add-ons. However, HubSpot CRM integrates with popular apps used for marketing automation and analytics.

Customer Support

Salesforce CRM's customer support team is available 24/7 through phone and email for paid users. Its support also includes a knowledge base, community forums, and online documentation.

HubSpot CRM offers customer support to both free and paid users. However, paid users receive priority support through phone and email. HubSpot also provides valuable resources such as community forums, educational resources, and certification courses.

Both Salesforce CRM and HubSpot CRM offer excellent customer support. Salesforce CRM provides 24/7 support, whereas HubSpot CRM offers valuable educational resources.


Salesforce CRM and HubSpot CRM are both reputable CRM software systems that offer excellent features for managing the supply chain. Salesforce CRM has more robust features, a customizable platform, and a wealth of integrations and add-ons, making it better suited for larger enterprises or businesses looking for advanced functionality.

HubSpot CRM, on the other hand, provides a beginner-friendly interface, cost-effective pricing, and core features that make it an excellent choice for small to medium-sized businesses.

In summary, choosing between Salesforce CRM and HubSpot CRM depends mainly on your business needs and budget. We hope this blog post has given you the information you need to make an informed decision.


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